Date: 12/25/22
It's no secret we aren't perfect. If you've been exposed to the world of education policy or even just taken a look in a classroom - it's evident the system of educating our next generation is messy. Teachers, administrators, and government officials advocate for change. Whether that be through addressing an issue or providing a solution. On the internet and social media, these problems and solutions seem simple and effortless. Furthermore, the cries of those who are victims of this system - teachers and students - urge the public to implement change. Despite all this, we have seen a minimal amount of change in education and there is little change coming in the foreseeable future. Why are we stuck in our ways? The real solution is not the simple solution we may believe it to be.
As I mentioned, education is filled with problems. Administrators struggle with the decline of teacher employment and the inflexibility of state standards. Teachers face long hours, a small amount of freedom in what they teach, large class sizes, and at the end of the day - a small amount of income. Students battle standardized testing, methods in which material is taught, and for some, undiagnosed learning disabilities. In fact, over 80% of students claim they do not like school and 55% of educators are thinking of leaving this field. With staggering evidence like this, it is apparent that something is not right.
Now through these problems - we offer solutions. However, when analyzing the common solutions online it is clear that all these issues lead to one focal point - money. Pay teachers more? Money. Adjust state standards? Money. Lower class sizes? Money. Attend to those with learning disabilities? Money. And the list goes on. Every single solution relating to repairing our education system is related to money.
That seems to be where this post ends. Money = better education. That's the solution. The end. However, it's not. Because despite all fingers pointing to an increase in spending on education, it hasn't happened. Why? (Now, we are at the real solution)…
Because we don't care.
That's the reason.
Where the government spends our money is directly correlated to the value of the public. If we value the military, fueled by fear of war, the government will place money on the military. If we value healthcare, the government will place money on healthcare. If we value transportation - that's where the money is going. Not enough money is going into education, hence, we do not value it. The general public does not believe that the education system is important, is critical, is necessary. No value = no money.
There can be various reasons that not enough value is placed on education. The biggest reason is that education is related to the future. The students of the system are the future of our country. Everything that takes place in a classroom is work that is done for the future. And we as a human race are generally concerned more about the present than the future. Anything about the future can be taken care of later. Even the education of our children.
Like with every problem I've mentioned so far, there is a solution. This one is not so simple. After all, altering the general public's values is not easy. Changing the way that we view the world is not easy. Therefore, the only way to do it - is to take it one person at a time. Advocacy is the real way to change education for the better. Speaking out about what you believe in. And everyone who does that is adding a tidal wave to a bucket. Spread the word, speak out, and believe. Slowly but surely our values will change.